Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday update

Wow! It is hard to believe that we are halfway through our trip! We started today with an earlier start! We started today off with a wonderful breakfast of fried eggs, bacon, and pineapple & watermelon. After breakfast we quickly got ready to depart. Most of our team went to tour Cerro Negro Volcano. We got to the volcano early and began our descent. The volcano is about 2100 feet high and the ascent to the peak takes about an hour. We braced ourselves with body boards, gloves and glasses in hand. The view from the top was breath-taking (literally). After some moments of enjoying the view, it was time for the descent. Tanya and Troy climbed onto their body boards, slid on their gloves and safety glasses. And down they went, screaming all the way. Anna nearly copped out, but she overcame her fears and went down anyway. Rachel, Mark, and Steve all wiped out. It was an amazing experience.

The other 4 on the team went back to worksite. They poured the conocrete for the kitchen, and nearly completed the latrine today.

We all met back to be treated to A fabulous lunch. We had rice and beans with meatloaf patties along with coleslaw salad, pineapple and watermelon. After a quick lunch, we all packaged the meals that we would soon be taking into the barrios (aka slums). Todd, David, Troy, Tanya, Sheri, and Mark went to deliver the food packages. They said it was like nothing they had ever seen. Score.

1 comment:

  1. Body boarding in a! Why am I not surprised that my husband wiped out :) Seems like it's been a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to lots of stories and pictures.
